Some photos of Zivit I took near an abandoned tree house we had found during our little trip in Ramat Gan.
Unfortunately some frames in this roll got fucked up,but the one's who haven't came out with special effects as you can see here:)
Make sure to check out Zivit's photos

If I had to take a trip to the other side of the world,she would be the friend I'd like to come with me.
first of all, lovely pictures (besides my crooked face..)
love how they are cut and burnt
and its mutual:
I meant :)
No worries,It's all about experimenting with fucking up rools:)
To tell you the truth,half of this roll was exposed while I was on a picnic,and some good shots were ruined,but you always gotta look on the bright side!
Thank you!!!
Yeah, that's the downside of film vs digital I guess.
I just hope the next time my film gets fucked up that it looks as good as yours. :)
I'm moving to the D200 soon anyways, so there will be much less film to get exposed. Only the B&Ws will be in danger then... :)
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