we saw an old lady who tried to get herself killed

i stupidly made a hip shot when i could easliy raise the cam at my eye.
he was sticking the mop in his cart(?)

"the lottery is tomorrow"

christmas tree in Israel? oh no!
So you know (at least some of you), Israel's population as well consists of more than a million jews who came from the former soviet union (including myself) to whom this tree represents nothing more than a fun cultural tradition.

what do you know? it seems my shadow has grown itself an little penis.hmm!
so, how does it feel to have a penis? :O
the "hello kitty" one is pretty surreal too.
how should i know? my shadow revealed itself to me only after processing the film ;^^
the couch on "hello kitty" seemed surrealy stinky;)
that's why we say "revelar" (to reveal) in portuguese, and not "process". thanks god pictures don't capture smell then.
Yeah, the kitty shot is cool!
I like this one for some reason too:
I think it's the colours! Really nice distirbution of 'em.
Gotta love the car/frontwindow/whimsical light shot too!
"Penis" - garantueed more pageviews!! :D ;)
respect fo r the cucasion ladies yeahhhhhhhh
once again...
this time i"ll write correctly i hope.
respect for the Caucasian ladies!!!!!!
guess who!?
hey kirush . . .
i really love fujicolor06...
i think it so authentic that i think i've seen these 2 dudes somewhere...
um ... damn! you sure as hell do some posting! saw your comment on sev's!
i have to do my rss thing again so i know when people post!
nice stuff, love!
your art is great.
i love the way you deal with special and normal moments.
in my feed reeder, now :)
רוצה פוסט חדש....
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