Wednesday, March 25, 2009

four months is a long time

i miss you all


Anonymous said...

so do we

Asaf Karagila said...

Good stuff, great stuff.

KirkT said...

You have a fantastic eye. Each of them are outstanding.

Ami Nevo said...

hip hip horay!!! it is a long time

Anonymous said...

Me and Sebastian were talking about you the other day, and how you were away from the internet lately and the fact that i was somehow worried! He told me you were probably just spending some quality time with your boyfriend, and i stop being worried to start being jealous :P ahahha
Nice to have you back :*


Anonymous said...

Me and Sebastian were talking about you the other day, and how you were away from the internet lately and the fact that i was somehow worried! He told me you were probably just spending some quality time with your boyfriend, and i stop being worried to start being jealous :P ahahha
Nice to have you back :*


מתן said...

קירה איזה תמונות ,!!!!
תני לראות עוד.

Ilan said...

That's a great set.
Was the first photo taken somewhere in Lod?
I really enjoyed going over the photos, splendid.

Mathew said...

Great set! I especially like "18-2-09_03_kira_k.JPG"

Kira K said...

thank you all for the lovely comments! they mean alot to me.

@Ze,i just found our you got yourself a nice new blog! now explain me why can't i add it to my google reader?:(
Aww,you and Sebi talking about me,i feel important.i'm totally on the internet,just using msn very rarely.

@Ilan,the first photo was taken from my window in ganei aviv,Lod.yes:) thanks!