While the food was getting prepared I dragged my cousin Michael to come along for a walk.
Made some forest photos but they're not that interesting.On our way back we saw this horse, who was standing still for a few long minutes until i managed to focus properly.
He looked quite sad to me.Maybe I'm wrong,I'm not a horse specialist.

Have I mentioned that Fuji Reala is an amazing film?

So we had a little ceremony lighting them which was amusing.I took just 2 shots because...well,it wasn't interesting.

As soon as Guy discovered that there is a new bakery nearby he dragged us to check it out.
the Sufganyot (doughnuts) were looking good but we bought a little Bourekas which was o.k.

I have this predilection of re shooting things or scenes with certain changes.
A series of dried apricots was shot about 4 years ago and now these peels of mandarins which are also orange.I put them on the same old desk and turned the same lamp on.
Next time I'll make sure the focus is spot on;)

frame number 36.
I love you fuji reala!

some of the frames look very moving! i love it!
seems like it loves you too
and so do I!
MeRRy ChrIsTMas...
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