why would someone put a traffic light near his garage enterance?

unfortunately the photo does not depict the beauty of hundreds of black and white birds inhabiting this tree, having the loudest conversations ever. I was standing there for 15 minutes, staring at this beautiful madness with a stupid smile on my face.

my class had a visit to the World Press Photo exhibition, which wasn't impressing at most.
There was also a local version of the exhibition alongside the international. Except a few good photos there was plenty of photoshopped crap.
i must practise keeping the horizons horizontal.

razozlilas?:) nu ti daesh.
povtorus',voprosi nashet dizaina nado predyevlat' k Bloggeru.
Oh some lovely shots, really like the one with the birds and the one of the glass. Both have something whimsical :)
About keeping your horizontals horizontal... it's better to concentrate on your verticals. Because of the perspective horizontals aren't always horizontal, but verticals always remain vertical. It's a nice point to hold on to.
tolko periodicheski,chtob glaza silno ne ustovali ot dizaina;)
Klass! Ya v vostorge ot foto. Osobenno mne ponravilas' ta, gde par podnimaetsya..i mojno porazmislit' 4to eto za figura izbrojena:^)
a nas4et etogo neizvestnogo-stranniy o4en'. Neujeli vse saiti doljni bit' yarkie i rznocvetnie! Sovesem neinteresno! A tvoi 4erno-belie foto ne nastolko "4ernie", 4tobi zateryat'sya na strani4ke...
xotya mojet emu stoit sxodit' k okulistu?! i glaza ne budut ustavat'!
את פשוט צלמת מצוינת
blin kirka klass...
Anonymous<<< ha ha kak ona tebya
znai komu vtiraesh!!!! Et je Kiraaaa
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