Thursday, May 24, 2007

yada yada yada

I somehow got disappointed with this roll of superia 1600 i shot.maybe because my previous and only experience with it was freaking nice so i was expecting something quite different than this grainy sots:( oh well.
It was an overcast day and we were in the local forest preparing a surprise party for Tal.
I should come back there when the weather is nicer,i like shooting forest.

some very nice Georgean wine on the menue (and a bottle of vodka hiding there as well).
It's a really sweet wine and you kinda drink it like water.weeee

in procces of the preparation we were collecting some flagstones we found nearby (we thought someone was barried underneath them,as they pile was in a shape of a grave) and were pooting them in small bags so the candles won't die on us.luckily there was no wind.
Here Bally is using some heavy tools to break the shitty things and getting injured several times.
(what a great explenation! time,in hebrew)

eventually it looked like this

from the inside

self portraits were must to do in case we'd get murdered us in the forest where we were alone!

the murder didn't happen coz the brave Shiko has arrived and hugged the tree

Anna got seated on the car

lights hanging action

(insert Tarzan's shout here)

hard workers deserve their beer.
the very serious Niko.


my floating candles.awww

Went to see Rockfour's concert.It was pretty damn awesome!
first time that i shoot at concert.the frames are o.k for first time i guess..

some other drinking event

after drinking event facial expressions

waiting for the bourekas

some very random stuff.
it says "trash"

Tel Aviv

an old local man

(dedicated to Bernhard)

Roma at one of our many russian parties

Roma on neopan 1600 at harsh israeli sun,nice!

Zivachka and coffee


one of the little foods i can make.
truffles or more likely "chocolate balls".(yummy)
this is dedicated to Maya who's blog making me drool.

ta ta