I somehow got disappointed with this roll of superia 1600 i shot.maybe because my previous and only experience with it was freaking nice so i was expecting something quite different than this grainy sots:( oh well.
It was an overcast day and we were in the local forest preparing a surprise party for Tal.
I should come back there when the weather is nicer,i like shooting forest.

some very nice Georgean wine on the menue (and a bottle of vodka hiding there as well).
It's a really sweet wine and you kinda drink it like water.weeee

Here Bally is using some heavy tools to break the shitty things and getting injured several times.
(what a great explenation! yeah.next time,in hebrew)

Went to see Rockfour's concert.It was pretty damn awesome!
first time that i shoot at concert.the frames are o.k for first time i guess..
first time that i shoot at concert.the frames are o.k for first time i guess..

some very random stuff.
it says "trash"
it says "trash"

Zivachka and coffee

one of the little foods i can make.
truffles or more likely "chocolate balls".(yummy)
this is dedicated to Maya who's blog making me drool.

ta ta
i loove your pix :)
those two shots of alex are cool .. his head and then the guitar. look as if they were one photo but just cut apart.
i would have expected superia 1600 to bit more .. uhm .. outstanding too. just used it once, maybe it does that to all first-timers.
את גאון. נקודה.
Now Kira, when you load that
many pictures at once, how do you expect my heart to take it? it's getting hard listing my favorites to you..
Georgian wine rules
כרגיל יפה שלי התמונות מדהימות!
אני מבטיחה בפעם הבאה לא להוריד לך מפתח שוודי על הראש כדי שתמשיכי להוציא לי תמונות פוטוגניות עד כמה שאפשר...
לכי תדעי, אולי בסוף אני אתרגל לנוכחות הבלתי פוסקת של המצלמה שלך מול הפרצוף שלי :)
Such an enjoyable entry! And Superia1600... it's weird. I had some nice results with it and some not so nice results...
I love this shot:
And the two shots of Alex playing the guitar!
Hope you're doing fine, love!
Hugs from the Netherlands.
Grrrreat photos kira!
gotta love those cute-grayscale-people-drinking-coffee photos.
У тебя тут на разных я зыках все пишут,думаю, что интернационализм только колоритности твоему дневнику придаст(надеюсь,понимаешь о чем я)))). буду писать по-русски!! столько фотографий сразу-класс! можно даже попутешствовать с вами в лесу...а фотографии на память..ха-ха-а..мне очень понравились фотки Ромы и Алекса. необычно снято и очень эмоциональные фото получилось.
privet anonymous!
spasibo za comment,a vi kto?
ой!забыла подписаться..это я-Сестра твоя,Мария;))))
Looks great, as always :)
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