I got the chance to use this sweet little camera, a half frame Olympus Pen. There's nothing particulary exciting about this tiny machine, it actually took me very long time to finish the 36 frames roll of Fuji reala which eventually turned into 75!
Many photos were not in focus either the focus was not on the subject.The only mode available in this camera is aparture mode.
I don't usually do diptychs but in this case i felt the photos look better together.
Think i should reshoot the left frame at night.i adore such tree shadows on buildings.

this is such a bizzare store,located at a private house or some shit.
the whole yard is filled with those aweful sculptures.

totally forgot about those two,they actually belong in the previous post about Tal's surprise party.
This is Bally:)
my classmates are cute

Tomer's thinking: "fuck off and let me enjoy my break at this lovely deck"

some random sexy mama.rrr
i was basicaly trying to finish this everlasting roll so i just shot everything i saw around me while we were sitting at Yitzik's
haha,this is some other time at Yitzik's,i realised that since Guy's shirt is different
guy was expressing his sorrow and depression towards one of our school projects. It's over baby!

Zivachka on her pussy-phone with the sexy pompon

i'm a monster.mwahaha
some hot architecture

conclusion: it's a shame i wasted this lovely film on such unlovely camera.
hope everyone's having a nice weekend.
next entry will be very soon:)
hope everyone's having a nice weekend.
next entry will be very soon:)
קירה מה את עושה לי? חושפת את העובדה שיש לי פוסיפון עם פונפון ופאסון כמו לביונסון? עוד יפתחו עלי עיניים, זה לא שיש לי ממון. שיט כמה מאוחר..
אהבתי מאוד את הנופים, שוב:)
dont say bad things about the Pen :'( you have to understand its time and purpose...
didn't mean to hurt your feelings towards the Pen,it's just my own personal frustration of 75 frames and yada yada.
maybe i should have given it another try.
haha the pen looks like some serious fun..
must be quite frustrating tho not to finish it off as fast as with a "normal" 35mm cam..
anyways i like the entry :)
btw Oly P is quite funny: there was a (trash)pop singer in germany a few years ago, he called himself Oli P
reala <3
take care
naskolko ya ponimayu et tvoi "novii fotik", klasnie fotki 2in1 :))
фотки интересные, особенно мне понравилась с тенью дерева...скоро приеду;)
I was wondering who the hell would keep all those horrible statues in his garden... it's just scary...
cheers kira!
what's more funnny is that i actually have heard about this Oli P ages ago.don't ask me how,it's way too embarrassing:)
hehe, but i don't mean you should give it another try either. i just meant that at the time it was made it was a nice camera, it was my grandmother's camera for many years, she didn't know that much about photography and 20~40 years later there are loads and loads of great photos.
today it's a bit of a museum camera... but it's very usable if you work on the small apertures i believe.
Cute stuff! I think you really worked it, by putting them together. Too bad about the focus on some, but the atmopshere still remains.
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