So I'll try to keep things on chronological order as much as i can.not that it matters to you.but hey,whatever.
Went to the beach with the guys.they were throwing a football at each other.
great male entertainment.yes.
great male entertainment.yes.

i brought some cold Litchi,which was very tasty actually, but Yigal said he would not eat them because they looked like testicles.I haven't got a clue where he saw white,almost transparent testicles that had a sweet taste,but hey,whatever.

Later that month my beloved cousin Masha came to visit from Russia (pun fun!)
We spent a great day in the old city of Akko.Shame on me,this is probably the second time i visited there in the 16 years of living here.What is more shameful is that i actually have no idea what is the construction in the background.We were so into conversation that we didn't pay attention to details.

We were standing at one of the markets' alleys and i was just about to ask someone how to get there,but then i looked to the left and saw a damn crowded restaurant,which was strange to see in 11:30 in the morning.I raised my head to check its' name and smiled.we have found Said.
We went in and were immediately seated.After 2 minutes the hummus was served.
I tried to teach Masha how you suppose to "wipe" hummus with a small piece of Pita and not vica versa,but she got full long before I managed complete the educational process.
She ate about a quarter of a plate while i ate almost half, and had to stop cause i was afraid i won't be able to move anymore.

after that we went to lay down at the beach and saw this man and cat,maybe the had hummus as well;)

some very random shots
Bally is a good civilian,she's donating blood every four months.
This is,by the way,superia 800 that looks like shit.hip hip horay^^

When we want to make Bally happy we usually bring her pink candy,
the most creative lolly pop i have ever seen.

or soap bubbles!

Yitzhak was making sure that...dunno,but it seemed like serious business.

כל הכבוד בובה!
my right eye looks a bit more drunky than the left,heh.

took this while being at work,about 6:30am

the view from Shiko's new place.

i've just realized that's it's been a year since i started this blog.
time just goes by too fast.
A big thank you goes to everyone who's been visiting,commenting and tolerating my camera in their faces.
ta ta!
a post with bw photos will follow in a day or two (if i'll be able to hold myself;)
time just goes by too fast.
A big thank you goes to everyone who's been visiting,commenting and tolerating my camera in their faces.
ta ta!
a post with bw photos will follow in a day or two (if i'll be able to hold myself;)
Ha lovely stuff! It feels really personal.
I can see what you mean about the superia800; they look a bit hazy. Do the prints look like that too or just the (neg)scans? Because scanning colournegs sucks.
Anywho, there are some very cute frames on it! "Yitzhak was making sure that...dunno,but it seemed like serious business." that made me laugh! I like the diptych of your cousin and the alleyway. You seem to be into putting photos together, lately. I like how it creates these little narratives.
Love the shot of the old man and the dog too! But woah... what work do you do that starts at 6:30 am?! :|
P.s. I love litchi, but I'm not sure if I can eat them from now on without thinking about testicles! :D (Even if they don't really look or taste like them haha).
litchis are a little tastier than balls, in my humble opinion.
when i was in jordan and israel i ate hummus with pita all the time. soo great!
yep keep your posts coming (:
יפה שלי, איזה תמונות יפות!!!!
אני מרגישה נורא פופולרית עכשיו, אני ממש מככבת בבלוג הפעם :)
אז אני אנצל את הבמה למספר הבהרות.
דבר ראשון, תתרמו דם אנשים. זה ממש חשוב!!!
דבר שני, זה נכון שאני מתה על סוכריות ואם הן ורודות אז זאת בכלל חגיגה,
אבל נשבעת לכם, זה סתם תסמונת פיטר פן. אני באמת לא גבולית.
ועכשיו אחרי שהבהרנו את זה... :)
תגידי, שאלת את יגאל מאיפה הידע על טעמי אשכים?
אני אוהבת אותך מלא בובה. תמונות מ-ע-ו-ל-ו-ת-!
אל תתני לאף אחד לבאס אותך. תמשיכי לצלם הכל!!!
It's always so nice to receive comments from you:)
I haven't actually printed those but Supose it would look way better on paper.Yeah,scannning color sucks,i was whining to Bern about that already haha
About the photos in pairs,it feels that some of them work better that way,they complete each other.
Well,a work in a bakery starts very early! there aren't many people at that hour but that's what the owner i basically spend the first 2 hours sitting outside watching the sun rising.
Sorry about spoiling your love for litchi hun! there are very few things that can spoil my apetite,in fact right now i can't think of anything that can cause that.
(and yeah,Yigal has a very creative thinking)
In my humble opinion there's nothing to compare:))
i hope for your sake you were here long before i got to know you!
התגובות שלך קורעות אותי בובה,את השורה הראשונה אני יכולה לדקלם מתוך שיהה חחח
הרווחת את התהילה ביושר ברגע שהסכמת למצלמה בתוך הפנים:)
האמת הוא אמר רק שזה נראה לו כמו אשכים,על טעם לא זכור לי כלום.
אבל זאת יכולה להיות שיחה מתרקת באחד הערבים כשניפגשה.
אוהבת מלא בחזרה! תודה!
קירה תמונות מצוינות, בעיקר התמונות של האוכל כרגיל!
באלי למה את לא מגיבה יותר בבלוג שלי?!?! מה יש, אני לא מספיק טוב?!?!?!?!?!?
לא טוב????
אתה אחד הטובים שיצא לי לראות!!
מבטיחה להשתפר מעכשיו :)
שנה טובה וחג שמח לכולם.
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