Saturday, May 24, 2008

those that slipped away

I'm so lousy with titles.oh well.

I was going through my files and found these photos that somehow forgotten.

But first, I want to thank all my devoted watchers and followers for all the lovely and supporting comments you're writing. When it comes to replying your comments, I realize that Blogger doesn't have the nested comments option neither I'm aware whether you tick the "Email follow-up comments" option or not. I'll do my best to reply anyway and hope that some of you drop by again in order to read it.

If you have some critique regarding my photos please
don't hesitate to speak up mind. How else will i learn?

Not too many photos this time.

my beloved grandma, who has recently developed this distant stare.
a childish stare, in a way.
you're just looking at her and trying to figure what's going on in her head.
i hope she never forgets who i am.

posted this one on DA already in the past.
cropped this one since the left part is completely burned.
grandma shaving grandpa's neck

an entry without bed sheets? yeah right:)
this is a result of complete boredom.
ever tried making a self portrait by holding your camera with your feet?
i have!:)
even guessed the focus correctly:)
i like the graphics here

lunch at my aunts'

some more food,of students.

this could easily be an artsy fartsy installation in a fancy shmancy gallery.
from aprox. the 20th floor at a friend's work.
old buses.

hated this part while being a soldier. carrying those huge bags around.ahhhr
hello there!

posted a similar frame in color few entries ago

old lady,old coffee shop

love finding random object on the street.
i always wonder about the circumstances of their abandonment.
Tussosedan anyone?
(if i'm not mistaken it's the Israeli version to Morphine)

how surprising, a self portrait in the toilet.
until next time!
ta ta

Sunday, May 18, 2008

yet another photo set

The morning portraits series from the previous entry is pretty much done by now.
Got tired of myself a little so i'm taking a break,even though i think such subject can be
thoroughly explored on the long run.
This is a pretty random entry with photos from february (!) up until lately.

Zivit's birthday was in february, just 9 days after mine. She was harassed all day by gazillion of people wishing her happy birthday and interrupting with the party preparations:)

"Aww,thank you,thank you"
("another call?? i'm so tired!")

can't remember the name of this green stuff but ,boy,you eat that shit as fast as popcorn or any other junk.

and what was left of it:)

i barely shot the guests since it was too dark,but the food,heh,was always well lit:)

Amir and Ronen,smokers ans drinkers
probably my favourite frame.
Asaf just knows how to properly congratulate!:)
and of course some obligatory frames of my beloved familia

and napping.
business as usual.

as if grandpa knew that his sweater patterns would make a lovely bokeh

it's parsley,not weed,you smartasses;)

grandma and i have an unwritten agreement.
she creates these compositions and i record them on film.

some color extras.
hello grandma!

surprising, eh?:)
like a king on a throne!


for the first time in my life i haven't got a clue where i shot a frame

the previously mentioned pretty birthday girl:)

went to Eldad Rafaeli's exhibition about the American suburbs with our photography class.
i wasn't blown away by the show even though there were indeed some very fine frames,especially the one with the blond woman with the rifle (it's a flash based site so no direct links possible).

anyhow,that's no the issue.
there was another exhibition on the bottom floor which featured photographs made with cell phones,or to say exactly "Nokia N95,world's most advanced multimedia cellular phone".
made me puke in my mouth a little.

some photos were "hung" on these monitors.
and at some point one of them got stuck or something so the museum employee got some online consultation about how to fix the "photo"
and in case you were wondering how the tool of trade looked like,here you go:

and some photos of southern Tel Aviv and its inhabitants

until next time,
cheers from the warm little holly land!