I was going through my files and found these photos that somehow forgotten.
But first, I want to thank all my devoted watchers and followers for all the lovely and supporting comments you're writing. When it comes to replying your comments, I realize that Blogger doesn't have the nested comments option neither I'm aware whether you tick the "Email follow-up comments" option or not. I'll do my best to reply anyway and hope that some of you drop by again in order to read it.
If you have some critique regarding my photos please don't hesitate to speak up mind. How else will i learn?
Not too many photos this time.
my beloved grandma, who has recently developed this distant stare.
a childish stare, in a way.
you're just looking at her and trying to figure what's going on in her head.
i hope she never forgets who i am.
my beloved grandma, who has recently developed this distant stare.
a childish stare, in a way.
you're just looking at her and trying to figure what's going on in her head.
i hope she never forgets who i am.

ever tried making a self portrait by holding your camera with your feet?
i have!:)
even guessed the focus correctly:)
lunch at my aunts'

love finding random object on the street.
i always wonder about the circumstances of their abandonment.
Tussosedan anyone?
(if i'm not mistaken it's the Israeli version to Morphine)
how surprising, a self portrait in the toilet.
אני כל כך אוהבת את הרגעים שאת תופסת
ואיך שאת מצליחה לקחת את הדברים הכי פשוטים ולהוציא מהם כזה יופי ורכות
אני אוהבת מאוד :)
אני ראשון?.....כנסו כנסו
Hahaha, shooting with your feet? Now that is something new, hahaha!
I really dig this frame: http://bp1.blogger.com/_p_m2h57Fboo/SDhPUq2Vw7I/AAAAAAAACCY/wG2a_b0n3yk/s1600/trix_08.JPG
The colours in the first are lovely. Hope your grandma is doing well... those were quite some alarming words about her stare.
i still think it's a trip that you were a soldier.
love this work!
and .. that parting shot at the end of you ... bellissima!
shaving photos are great!and some nice stools i see there :)
Love the photo of the buses!
Love this one.
Love this one - http://bp1.blogger.com/_p_m2h57Fboo/SDhOYq2VwwI/AAAAAAAACBA/C8ZJrjrkTK4/s1600-h/pan400_03.JPG
i, too, wonder about the random objects on the street.
nice post, love.
really nice pictures. you have a good eye for special views...
can u plz erase my lovely comment mistakenly signed with a url? ^_^
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